Thursday, September 28, 2006

So there's a new Nissan...

(Mood at present - confuzzled and disgruntled)
(Listening to - the friggin' Nissan commercial)

Alright. It's not often I have to go find a soapbox and get up on it to rant (I'm usually loud enough from my chair at the pub without it) but tonight I have found something quite remarkable to rant about...

On behalf of MOST Newfoundlanders here in Toronto, its friggin' weird being a minority in such a big city. Even that may be a big presumption and sweeping generalization, but y'know what? I've met maybe, just MAYBE, 7 Newfoundlanders since I've been here, and most of them were at random! The point is that, up till now, I've been obviously patient. It's very natural for those of the mainland (or ANYwhere that's even heard of Newfoundland) to be a bit coy, perhaps misinformed, and even trying to be a bit funny at our expense, knowing that we - being the kind and generous folk that we are - will give them the opportunity. Of course, they don't know what to do when we strike back with our quick and sharp wit in retort, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

To be honest, let's face it, oh we proud few of the "pine clad hills", as a people we're known to most of the mainland for three big things:
1. our fortitude for drinking,
2. our fun-loving, laissez-faire attitude towards most things,
and 3. our "funny and fast" way of talking.

And y'know what? If that's the worst that we can be known for, that's not so bad. But, I can't help but feel a bit punched in the gut when those stereotypes, which generally are altered slightly upon actual interaction with a actual Newfoundlander, are used at our expense to push a product - a friggin' 4x4 SUV named the Bonavista...

Most of us by now have seen The Ad. I've been in another country for most of the summer, and then adjusting to Toronto without a TV, so it was news to me when I heard about it tonight. But, it's easy enough to find on YouTube -

Not to sound too "Newfie" when I say this, but fer da luvva GOD...

I realize some of us sound like this, and honestly, I found the ad cute, if not funny, especially to try and keep up with some of what the guy was saying about the stupid truck. But really, I equate how he's speaking as such: Take someone who DOESN'T speak Spanish, put them into a place where he needs it, watch him spit out lines like "Aye caramba! Yo quero Taco Bell! Nacho libre, mi amigo! Andelay andelay, arriba arriba!" hoping that he's getting somewhere and thinking he's making some SENSE, and that's what you sorta get with this ad. I mean, the "sayings" that this guy is using are complete rubbish. I'd say the only things that sound about right is "How she gettin' on, me son?" and using "mudder" for mother.

The next thing I wonder is who the hell are they marketing this towards? Newfoundlanders are already up in arms over it, not to mention that I don't see why this ad OR the name would have any bearing over whether we'd jump on board with buying it or not, and if it's not directed at us, then who the hell is it for?? The subtitles are a cute addition, I'll say that, since even the Newfoundlanders can't understand much of a bloody thing the guy is saying. And would it have killed them to actually GET a Newfoundlander or someone WITH the accent to DO the ad? Cripes...

Anyway, maybe I'm overreacting a bit. Maybe I'm even just being too patriotic or sensitive. Hell, maybe I'm even being accommodating by having it on my blog, but seriously, I think it's cute, but stupid. It is certainly not helping Newfoundlanders to be taken seriously. But, then, on the other hand, when do we ever want to be taken seriously? We are pretty damn fun. Either way, I'll let you have a look and see what you think.

(Ahhhh, it's good to have a good rant now and again)


Andrew Hawthorn said...

Dude, Tell me when you get a character in that game we talked about.

Moses J said...

You gettin back in?

kevin said...

oohh...don't mean to poke, but what game is that? are we talking a MMOG here? I'm having WoW withdrawl myself...