Thursday, September 07, 2006

"That Night In Toronto..."

(originally to be posted Sept 1st, 2006)

I forget just how much I am the Country Mouse until I get to the bigger cities. Particularly when all alone. At least if I knew someone here, or better still if I was looking about with someone else, it would be less overbearing and/or overwhelming.

And its not that I dislike Toronto. I just dislike the first few days being here. Adjusting, dealing with new surroundings... and smells... not to mention the wonderful job of introducing myself to people upon arrival...

Mind you, I was not in the mood for people after travelling since 5AM to here in the mid-afternoon, completely unawares as to who it was I had to see or where it was I had to go. Did I mention I was carrying almost 100 extra pounds - 50 of which were in a large clumsy duffel bag? (Huh, it was just as well I had a dead body hidden in each hand.) I wasn't a jerk to the interested youngsters who enquired "Are you a new frosh?" The only thing I could think to reply was "No I'm not frosh. This IS my first year, but it is also my last." Y'know, honestly, that does make sense too. After all, first year here - true enough - but last year (please God) doing my degree. So, I don't think I was a jerk, no.

So I've gorged myself on some comforts - a toasted pizza sub and some chips with diet cola. Ahhh, nameless diet cola. So cheap and tastes of something between all the big names... Still, I find myself awake at 9pm here in TO, which translates to 10:30pm at home, which then translates to me being up a total of 18.5 hours and still haven't even so much as napped!! And I've still not unpacked nor contacted anyone at home - try as I might from the airport, no one was home...

And only now do I notice my lack of pillow in the room... I'm not so stuffy or hardheaded that I need a pillow to sleep, but I know I will pity my neck and shoulders in the morning.

Soon I will have all that I need, and everything will be a little less yikes. This place will become home.

(listen to Bobcaygeon by The Tragically Hip)

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