Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm thinking FAR too much for a Sunday

(Mood at present - Studying, so my mood is BLAH.)

So it's kinda funny that I notice, as the planes fly overhead in a foreboding circling pattern here in downtown TO, that no one would even notice if there was an air-strike to wipe us all out due to some quarantine outbreak thing the big shots were trying to contain. Yes, I do watch too many zombie movies, but that's beside the point. I'm amazed that the anti-govt zealots weren't overrunning any nearby field or street shouting God knows what while the rest of us drop a quarter in their cup for the show and walk away quickly.

Now, upon further inspection of the situation (ie: one of the other Div kids checked it out online), supposedly the "air show" is actually just that. They're to pay tribute to a new 30-metre granite wall commemorating veterans. Cannons, jets flying about, a "flying V" of 5 helicopters... And right next door in Queen's Park. I can't fault that really - well, not the commemoration wall at least nor the vets, but the friggin low flying jets? What the hell!! And no real notice about it at all. Just let them planes swoop on down, guys, thanks.

Now, before I knew it was a wall, my Div bud told me it was a statue or something that the govt was putting up, and right away I thought, "Well, isn't that nice? What better way to pay homage and tribute with planes, and guns, and helicopters, and a parade than on a SUNDAY..." Not to go too church-y on your asses, but the whole "worship of idols" ain't too cool in Christianity, Judaism or Islam, so all three of the biggies say that God don't like that, especially on the day you keep holy.

(again, this funny thought was before knowing it was a tribute to the soldiers we've lost, so I quickly recanted that whole comment after that. I mean, that's as solemn as they COME for a Sunday.)

But after that, I realized something else, speaking of "idols" - millions of Canadians this very night will be doing just that: worshiping the new Canadian Idol tonight. I mean, how weird is that! I don't really care - neither that it's on a Sunday, nor for the bloody show in the first place - but I couldn't help but notice how odd it was that no one's ever noticed that before. I've also wondered, seeing that my Dearest Love watches the said "bloody show", that its on Tuesdays and Wednesdays regularly. Why on a Sunday for the climax?

Now, before the hate mail begins, and shit starts to fly about how I'm talkin' down about Idol or even (Heaven for-friggin'-bid) that I even discuss Sunday/church stuff around the topic, I'm not about to say that Canadian Idol is keeping people from church. Cripes no! But I do wonder why the change in day just for the finale, and the sorta ironic situation of the "idol worship" on the Christian day of rest. Weird.

Anyway, I'd best be off before I get into some rant about "reality TV" and the like. Bring on Monday!

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