Saturday, October 07, 2006

Avast Mateys!

Yarrr! So, up here at Trinity we've survived our first ever Div Pub! For those who don't know what that is, you may be more familiar with the term "Mixer". It's been my first order of business as our Event Coordinator to organize and all around "pull out of my ass" this event. Frankly, it was a complete success! Even with all the hoops jumped and bumps received.

What's so remarkable about the whole affair is that, even though we were only told on MONDAY it was our turn to do the Pub this week on THURSDAY, still we conquered! And we've got a rep to maintain up here too! Supposedly, as all the second, third and forth year undergrads have informed me, Div Pub is looked forward to all year due to it being "the best". Well, between the turn out, the mass consumption of almost every last drop and crumb of what we had served, and the kick ass tunes supplied by our own DJ "Sick Soundz", I have to say that we pulled off a damn fine boozefest for those "littl'uns". Heck, we even turned a profit, which most Pub's don't once they've payed off everything! Thanks to ALL the Div's who helped - Aaron, Jenn, Kristen, Liz, Marion and Nico. We rocked it all the way till 4AM and back!

Oh, and did I mention it was a PIRATE theme? Always a pleasure, I assure you, as the Isle of Iona and my wonderful friends would attest. Between a few of us getting dressed the part, costume pirate hooks in the snacks, patches on some, and temporary tattoos on the rest, we looked smashing. Big props to our girl Jenn who went all out as Pirate Wench! A finer barkeep for such a pirate occasion there's not been. :)

And that was just THURSday. Yeesh. I've been pretty much catching up on my sleep since then. So, to all who thought me MIA - no worries. More later!


bookgeek:rhiannon said...

Avast! I be testin' this ta see iffin my Blogger account be active. When's there gonna be photographical evidence of this piratical shindig, huh?

Moses J said...

Yarr, matey! There may be pics a-brewin' from me pal Nico, but ye best be waitin'.

Seriously though, nice to see you're checkin out my side of the street. :) Guess I better go check yours now.

kevin said...

all this piraspeak makes me want to play Puzzle Pirates. awesome game...highly recommended!

Moses J said...

Hee hee hee. I hear that's a funfully addictive game. What's the setup? Y'know, what kinda game izzit?

kevin said...

it's a combination of MMORPG and Puzzle gaming. you make a pirate, join a crew and everyone does a different puzzle that helps move the ship. if you attack another ship the two crews duel using a tetris like puzzle. you win booty and buy new pirate swag.

plus the game is free! (unless you want access to certain items in the shops)

it's cool because there are bot crews as well that you can join. so if you just want to play some puzzles and are not in the mood to socialize you can join a computer crew.

i used to be a subscriber two winters ago...thinking about getting into it again.
