Friday, September 22, 2006

Quick AWESOME update!

(Mood at present - ecstatic)
(Listening to - U2 - All Because of You)

So, quick scoop for all those not up on my latest!

It has be affirmed and confirmed that I am indeed a THIRD year!! Which means ALL my credits have been accepted, and all I've left to do are what I'm doing now, plus internship!! Hoo-hoo-HOO!

Basically, this means - so long as I don't totally blow it and shag up this year outright - that what plans I have are working out! Do the whole year at Trin, fill the Summer with useful, wonderful things (preferably lucrative!), and then intern in the following Fall... Then, here you go, Bishop! Fresh from the shop and ready to GO! I'm pretty damn happy. Just FYI. :)

With that, a BIG ol' thank you to my family, fiancee, friends and mentors who saw me through to this, and who supported my coming here in the first place. This year up till now has been of EPIC proportions, and hope it stays that way.

Now, I'm goin' to bed. More SOON!

1 comment:

Andrew Hawthorn said...

That's so sweet I want to pee my pants. You show 'em who's boss!

Meaning, y'know, God.