Monday, September 11, 2006

M.Div Begin Again - Day 1 and 2

Mood at present - Plesant

The long and the short of it breaks down as follows:

One: the majority of the books bought today have not been course books because you have to go to the bookstores to find out what books you need (as there is no book list included in the course description), and yet the friggin' bookstores don't know what books we need EITHER because no one has the list. Friggin' marvelous.

Two: I am now the proud owner of a $105 dollar academic robe. At THAT price, this baby's gonna no just be for High Table supper, ho-no. Bathrobe, sleepwear, raincoat, BatCape, you name it! (though I do have plans for it as a BatCape, as I scale the belfrey, glaring menacingly down upon the poor freshmen... *sigh* I need more to do)

Three: they're finally feeding us in the dining hall. Hooray for mealcards! And this just ain't any old eating - I mean the food's about average, but we get served at High Table for supper (OH! for those who don't know, we gotta get dressed up in our academic robes and THEY serve US - like Hogwarts without the coolness of magic or Hagrid)

Four: Courses thus far - not bad. Particularly the Exodus course.

Five: FINALLY got internet in my room. Cripes, that took long enough... So, those of you out there missing me? I'll be "around" more.

Annnd... Huh, that's about it. Well, more later I'm sure, as tomorrow is Wednesday - our busiest day, and also when we host a little "soiree" for the Div's only. :) Later


Andrew Hawthorn said...

Tomorrooooooow's COMIC BOOK DAY!

Moses J said...

WHAT WHAT WHAT??? Tomorrow!! Crap in a hat! I have NO idea where a shop is!!

Andrew Hawthorn said...
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Andrew Hawthorn said...

Dude! Silver Snail on Queen Street West, just west-er than Much, is THE comic store. There are no others.