Friday, October 13, 2006

10 Things I Hate About Commandments

Best Trailer to hit theatres in a long time. No doubt.

In all seriousness, this is probably the most hilarious example of the Moses story I've ever seen. And I own "Wholly Moses". Guh - Dudley Moore...

Anyway, enjoy! More to say later.


Andrew Hawthorn said...

Well, that was absolutely amazing. "Must Love Jaws"? My God.

Also, another reason LJ is better than Blogger? No spammers!

Moses J said...

Oh hush you. :P

I'm still trying to sort out how to delete that...

Anyway, more fun Moses stuff to come! Stay tuned!

bookgeek:rhiannon said...

I love the Samuel L. Jackson cameo.

Andrew's right, though. Come on over to LJ... we have, err, cookies...