Sunday, October 15, 2006

Moses the Mini-star

To all of you future reverends out there, and maybe even a few present ones who also read this blog perhaps looking for some insightful epiphanies, I say to you - why settle for the boring old title of "minister" when you can be a "mini-star"! (this silly spelling comes from a friend of mine who has a loose grasp on English and a tighter hold on her spell-checker) We both laughed after noticing not only the misspell of "ministar", which I quickly turned into what you see above.

Upon further inspection, and further application - personally, I like it! There's much to be said about it! I mean, just as we are all a small spark of the divine as part of being made in God's image, does that not, in the grand scheme of things, make us a glimering dot of quintesence in the cosmos? Does that not make us each a "mini-star"? Not unlike, but to a smaller sense, the planets themselves? Not unlike a chunk of space particle in the belt of Saturn or Uranus? Not unlike the spark of Donald in Keifer of the Sutherlands, or Martin in Antonio or Charlie of the Sheens?... Or... uh, oh. Wait... Huh. Well, maybe in the ... uh... in the sense of Hollywood stardom, anyway...

uh... nevermind.

So anyway, today's visual treat (also found atop the page) is from a rediscovered favorite of yours truly. Please feel free to go visit the Brick Testament site, where you will find more and more of the entire Bible visualized and summerized in some cases into sometimes profound, sometimes hilarious results. You'll notice Moses is to look like the "Hestonian" depiction. (that's Charlton to those who don't know) Heck, I love any site that tries to make Deuteronomy and Numbers funny. Fair warning, though, it's funny but blunt. It even gives warnings about the (ahem) PG13-ness of some parts, so be mindful in case you don't want the youngsters seeing it. Otherwise, much of it would make the Bible kinda fun/funny.

Go on!

Oh, and to those for whom it is, have a great Mid-Term break!

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