Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tossing a half eaten bagel to the birds...

(Mood - Stressed but optimistic)

(Listening to - Everything's Not Lost by Coldplay)

Well, to all those just joining us, WELCOME to my blog. Or rather, welcome back to some. Or ever more rather, welcome to ANYone who actually READS this. Whomever you are.

Anyway, just as a quick update, presently I am that much closer to ACTUALLY being ordained a Deacon in the Anglican Church. Just last week, I rejoined my fellow friends, colleagues and peoples of Toronto to not only present what final work I have, but also to break in the frosh Div students and regular frosh as well, which is always a great treat. God bless those kids and their endless booze.

Well, and my friends too, of course. (Hey guys! Miss you all!)

SO, like I was saying, I'm in the middle of not only trying to get a handle on whether or not I'll be ordained ANYtime soon, but also trying to get a full grasp on this whole "getting married" deal. So far, the planning has been haphazardish but fulfilling, even though recently (this past night, actually) my sweetheart and I have discovered just how much we desperately need a money tree. Or a benefactor. Or a winning lotto ticket. Or a free wedding. Y'know, all that stuff that stresses a person out while trying to plan something - basic budget vs how much cash-o-rama you actually have. *sigh*

Don't get me wrong! Most other stuff concerning the wedding is going grand - the invites are out and circulating (if you don't have one yet, check your mail you silly people!) and we've pretty much latched onto whatever else we needed to schedule (i.e.: DJ-guy, photo-guy, cake-lady, decorator-lady, etc). So all things considered, WOO-HOO for us and this decision to have the wedding THIS year. But, I'm somewhere between getting a crap-hat of a part-time job (something that I would be against by dignity alone) and robbing a bank (something that I would be against by morality alone). But, thems the breaks, as they say. ...stoopid "they"... Who do "they" think they are, anyway?

BTW, just in case you don't know the date of the wedding, or if you need more details, just ask me. :)

Beyond that, things are great, though strained and stressful at times. I will get back into writing here if only to alleviate some of that stress, and to goof off from the real things I'm supposed to be up to. ;) In the meantime, good to be back! Hope to hear from anybody soon.

More later!

1 comment:

Charles Dexter Ward said...

Holy crap you're alive! Remember, if the wedding planning gets to be too much, drop over and we'll rent the new Metroid game... come on, metroids!