Saturday, June 02, 2007

And the internship begins... well, more like "BEGUN".

(Mood - Amazed at Blogging again!)

(Listening to - Can't Stop This Thing We've Started by Bryan Adams)

Hello again to everyone!

So I've been on a bit of a hiatus lately - pretty much ever since I've returned to the Rock - but now I've got something to actually TALK about, so it's much less boring than trying to come up with something like before.

So, like the subject says, I'm finally doing my internship! Now, with God's help, the Bishop's permission, and the kindness of my supervisor, I may just be on my way to getting ordained. Heck, right now I'd settle for convocation, which unfortunately I'll have to wait on. No offence my wonderful 2nd year buddies (soon-to-be 3rd year buddies), much as I enjoy the idea of graduating with you all, I was kinda hoping to be done before next freakin' May. :(

And don't even get me STARTED on the list of "OOPS!" I've had. Mostly in the realm of "Gosh, aren't I supposed to register my internship as a class? Not to mention pay for it? Golly!" God bless and lovingly uphold the blessed Saint of the Lost - our lovely Rachel in the office. :) Listen well, all ye kids of the future cloth who DON'T already know, that lady is heaven sent and hell bent to make your life easier when it comes to getting THROUGH till convocation.
As for the internship itself, I'm enjoying it lots. Though I've been known to define it as "running after a tornado" sometimes. (And should my supervisor be reading this, that's a compliment!) Seriously, my supervisor is involved with quite a few things, and I am happy to be busily kept included in all of it. I think my favourite thing is the parish itself - their "baptisms vs funerals" quota is staggering! VERY few funerals, and at least FIVE baptisms I'll be witness to while here. :) Now if only they all came back, huh? *L*

In the meantime, the whole "engaged" thing is progessing along smoothly. The lady and I have picked a date (ask if you'd like to know when that is!) and we're presently busily planning away. We've already settled on a few things - location, church, people, etc - but the little expences are really a pain in the ass. But, such is the way of a wedding...

Regardless of all the stereotypes of "the wedding", I'm looking forward to ONE thing - standing next to the person I'll stand next to for the rest of my life. I mean, there's that God promise too, but it's not like you forget that. Those things are the BIGGEST pinky-swares that EXIST. Outside that, the rest is cake. Both figuratively and literally. We're both really looking forward to it. Matter of fact, I've just been informed the dress has been officially bought! Yikes! Reality setting in!

Anyway, time to get back to work. Hopefully all my clergy wannabe brothers and sisters are doing well in their placements too. I hope to hear from you all ASAP! As for the rest of you, ditto!

More later! (oh, and the new South Park me? That's the Miami Vice "summer" me. :) )

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