Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I should be working, y'know...

(Mood - Sick and drugged)

(Listening to - Here in My Room by Incubus)

(Just FYI - Seeing as I'm pretty much all better now, the little me this post is kinda pointless, but since I made it, I wanna use it. So there.)

So let's see. What to report? Things are well, but mostly boring. Though that will change very shortly with the oncoming of the papers. Cripes, where the hell did January go? Nice to see time flying a little bit quickly, but only so to get home sooner rather than have work bite me in the ass.

In any case, what to regale you with first... I've been trying my best not to spend even MORE money on books, but my lack off people around to keep me away from the friggin' sweet little privately run second-hand and rare books stores makes for easy spending. I suppose I could be buying worse things (Yes dear, no more "technology"... and yes, I'll stay away from Futureshop...).

As well, I've been trying to keep away from too many online purchases as well. My God, who knew shopping Amazon would be so great? ...probably everyone, but shut up... Seriously, I've recently found more of my required textbooks there for better prices than at the store across the street that already sells them uber-discounted! Of course, to get the "Super Saver Shipping", I had to buy three other books too... I have to be stopped. Stupid credit card...

I must say that, without said little plastic wonder, I would not be in possession of BNL TICKETS! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm goin' to see 'em Feb. 16th here in ol' TO! *sigh* Wish they weren't so bloody expensive though. I do NOT remember spending up to sixty bucks on a ticket to see them back home last time. But, thems the breaks to see the Ladies. Bones, you will be sorely missed at this event. :( I'm half tempted to bring a cellphone and call you while there or something. No offence meant to my other friends, nor even my lovely fiancee, but let's face it kids - Bones and I are the big fans of the BNL here. Ahh, if only I had better connections to get backstage...

Anywho, what else is happening... Oh! Our big boss man, the Primate Archbishop Andrew Hutchison (*sigh* Yes, I'm aware his title sounds like a monkey) visited today. This week is the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity", so our neighbouring (though traditionally "rival") school of Wycliffe came over to visit, as the Primate is a grad from our side. :) It was really nice to see him, as I knew him about 6 to 7 years ago when he was the Bishop of Montreal. It was nice to have the two schools together too, given that most of our "rivalry" is just for show anyway. I really like a lot of the Wycliffe kids! (quick shout out to Steve & Julie, Chelsea and Liz!) I mean, just because their school is named after a man who, due to his radical teachings against the Church, was deemed a "stiff-necked heretic" (and then his remains were exhumed and burned by Papal order) doesn't mean they're bad people. (hee hee hee I kid! I kid!) Really though, good times had by all - particularly the lasagna!

It was also a good night for our "seminarian lab" (or what I call lately 'Liturgical Gymnastics'). We've been practicing the actual acts of worship - Baptism and Eucharist. Next after that are marriage prep and the wedding itself (Heh! Already DID two of THOSE) and funerals. It's probably my favorite part of being up here - the hands on stuff. But then, I'm sure most fields of study agree to that, when most of their work is theory. Supposedly I have a very comfortable sense of the worship, said the prof. Good to know!

Besides all that, I'd say my biggest complaint was my cold. That was nasty. Seems to be a mild epidemic up here in TO, but then with this many ppl, how can't it be? I'm half expecting to get it again, especially since I'm working with kids up at St. George's now. Sunday school up there is going well. Well, as well as can be expected when only 3 kids MAX show up... I've been told it's "skiing season"... Geez. Well, at least the kids enjoy it anyway. Heh - last week, I gave them the option of staying in group to talk about the lesson or go back up to Church. The look on their faces as they tried to decide was priceless. It was almost as though none of them had ever even considered that I might send them back up! Ahh. I shouldn't take so much joy in tormenting kids, but it's just soooo easy! Ha!

In any case, that's all I got. Even that last bit was a bit of a toss in add-on. Guess I'll have to have something interesting happen to me soon. Or go see a new movie to critique (*coughGHOSTRIDERcough*). Till I find something ridiculous to post, more later!


Andrew Hawthorn said...

Rock out at the concert, Dude. We'll get back stage someday. Someday I'll do a movie and ask them to soundtrack it or something. A cheap, indie movie, done only as an excuse to meet them.

Also, yay for Ghost Rider? Who knows?

Moses J said...

GAH! Can we star in it too??? :) It's a plan! GO! Write said movie! Make us money!