Thursday, December 07, 2006

It's beginning to feel a lot like STRESS-MUCH!

(Mood - Impatient and Worn Out)

(Listening to - Stuart McLean's Vinyl Cafe)

So, as this term sloooooooowly winds down, I find myself done a bit early. I'm done! Finished! Unfortunately, my work load and exams do not share that sentiment... Argh. I know I'm hardly the only one IN this boat, but let me tell ya, I am one bushed little bugger.

Between my exams and last minute papers, I'm also planning the Advent Party (or "Christmas Party" to those who aren't sure what Advent means. :) ) and I'm debating tonight at the Lit. The Lit, in short, is the ridiculously wonderful tradition of the college, a tradition older than the building itself, where the students can debate a resolution - one side in favour known as the "Government" and one side against as the "Revolution". Tonight, the topic is "Be it resolved that Genesis made a better band than a book". Hee hee! Oh, did I mention that tonight is known as the "Div Lit"? In other words, the DIV's have a turn to make the laughs. Oh, and there's booze too. Not a whoooole lot, but some civil wines and beers to be partaken in whilst the debate is had.

Frankly I was up for EITHER side, really, but I find myself defending the first text of the Jewish Pentateuch, the first book of the Bible, our misconstrued and often misused Genesis. Not only that, but I'm debating against the Dana our chaplain, who's defending the band, with my buddy Aaron! Moses and Aaron defending the Old Testament! What fun!

Either way, I am an anxious boy to be getting home... I wish it was all over and done with just for now... And with that said (and my personal "brain break" time's up), I return to hitting the books. To all my brothers and sisters in arms (well, stuck in BOOKS anyway), Godspeed. It'll all get done, and soon too. Then, home to Newfoundland, where warm drinks, family, BIG suppers and lotsa fun havin' shall ensue!

More later! (probably and hopefully from HOME)

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