Friday, May 30, 2008

The New Post

(Mood - Rested)

(Listening to - Hip To Be Square by Huey Lewis & the News)

"And so it was that Moses came to realize, in fact, that Facebook was helping him keep up with the lives of others rather than continuing to update his own, as was the purpose of his blog. With a renewed heart, and nimble fingers, swiftly he turned his gaze towards his previous ramblings, eager to add further nonsense to his ever-growing tome of doldrums..."

Yeah, so I finally noticed that its been QUITE a while since I wrote ANYthing on this side of the web, so I figured it might be time to add a little something that doesn't require spending a half-hour at Scrabulous and Word Twist. :)

I've been thinking about how exactly to outline this, what with all the changes and new-ness in my life, so I finally settled on a quick point-for-point list. Previously on "Adventures With Moses dot com", I was still in the process of planning and preparing for the wedding to my lovely fiancee... Since then, I have:
- been married since October 27th, 2007 (just over 9 months)

- been ordained since November 1st, 2007 (just 9 months this past Friday) and started working as an Associate Clergy in the Parish of the Holy Spirit in Norman's Cove, Newfoundland. ("associate", for those who don't know, is like a first mate to the captain)

- been an official Priest since March 10th, 2008

- been "officially graduated" since May 13th, 2008 (meaning I've got my degree and actually convocated)

- been the proud owner of a fun-loving Lab/Beagle mix named Diesel since November 3rd, 2007

(we didn't name him but we DID adopt him, but I WILL give a quick and free plug to, the shelter from which we got him. Please use shelters - give animals the life they deserve!)

Since being here, we've done a lot of things in the parish, but my favorite so far (and also the one that seemed to have the most work involved) was our Vacation Bible School this summer! VBS is geared towards kids - its basically a Church summer camp. We had a BLAST - about 42 kids and 5 days later, it was a lot of fun. The theme this year was "Rainforest Adventure" which focused on major topics such as taking care of the environment and each other through Bible stories, crafts, songs, games, and all around mess-making fun. For the first one I was ever involved in, it was great! Exhausting and detrimental to my health, but great. :) What made it especially good was a close and active team to pull it off. We had helpers up the wazoo! I can't wait to see what we'll come up with for next year.

So, all in all, its been a busy past few MONTHS (heck, even YEARS), but Steph and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Presently, we're counting down the Sundays till vacation time - just one left to go! We're visiting Scotland (the place that gave me the idea and the courage to ask Steph to marry me in the first place) not only as guests to my cousin's wedding, but also so I can introduce Steph to all I've seen and done over the past couple of years. It's going to be a bunch of firsts for her - first out of country trip, first off of continent trip, first transatlantic trip, and our first REAL vacation together (little trips are fine, but this is an actual vacation trip!)

So, I think what better time to keep updates and the occasional posting than now? :) So, watch this space! I'll be keeping the messages shorter, but hopefully full of pics, really soon!


Charles Dexter Ward said...

Wow, about time you posted something here. Not like you don't have the free time, you only work on sundays ;)

Andrew Hawthorn said...

God I love that dog.

God taht evol I dog.