Thursday, April 26, 2007


(Mood - Home and finished = HAPPY!)

(Listening to - Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd)

Hey everypeoples! Just to letcha know, I'm back home again now. So, don't bother with the TO phone number, and emails/MSN/Facebook are my new forms of communique.

I will miss my TO peoples and the downtown quite a bit, as I had just truly gotten used to them. A big friggin HUGE thanks to everyone who came out for my BDays. It's nice to know I have so many awesome friends up there.

Either way, keep in touch! And watch this space! Just cause I'm home don't mean I got nothin' to say!

More later!

Monday, April 23, 2007


(Mood - Sleepy and caffinatedly excited!)

(Listening to - For Once In My Life by Michael Buble)

Thank you to EVERYONE for all the well wishes! I've been loving them.

I'm so lucky to have all the people I do in my life - whether you're a new addition from the Fall season line-up, a constant main character, a "blast from the past" favorite, a reoccuring guest-star, or nothing but a blatant plot device - you have been a part of my life, part of shaping who I am, and I thank you for it.

Looking forwards to this my TWENTY-SIXTH year of life. Bring it!

(Oh, and just outta curiousity, does anyone even READ this anymore? Just askin'. More later!)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Scariest Landlord EVER

This is a Will Ferrell short vid about the scariest landlord. Adorably scary anyway. Enjoy!


UPDATE: Apparently, Mr. Ferrell, Inc. got pissy about this being on YouTube (even though he's letting other people watch it for free on HIS sites...) Anyway, here's a link to it:

Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's just a little blasphemous! It's still good! It's still good!

To quote the dear Professor on Futurama, "SWEET ZOMBIE JESUS!"

Seriously, though, I can't be the only "priest-in-training", let alone Christian, who hasn't laughed at this notion. I've just never seen a cartoon of it before! :)

Did I mention to have a wonderful and blessed Eastertide? Anyone? :)

More later.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

T-minus 11 days...

(Mood - Can't have mood, I'm working...)

(Listening to - One and the Same by Audioslave)

Well, here it is. Almost done, to the delight of no one more than I. However, I'm still a bit up in the air about a few details, but y'know what? I don't really mind. I just wanna get DONE right now so I can sort all that out later. By "all that" I mean basically anything from the small stuff like my birthday, my packing, my books being mailed home, to BIG stuff like getting a job for the summer, sorting out my internship, and the wedding. Gah - just get me home.

So, last night, after spending most of the day writing upwards of 30 pages or MORE of three separate papers, I happened upon the "Quad Party". Basically, around 20 kegs of FREE beer, with free pizza later, and a live band followed by a fantastic DJ, which all took place out in the middle of the school in our Quad.

Lemme just say - WHAT A LAUGH! It made the whole week for me. All the kids running about, doing the whole "OMG! I haven't seen you since ...FIRST YEAR! HOLEE SHIT! So like, how are you and... OMG! LOOK! (runs) I haven't seen you since..." and so on. The beer was flowing constantly. A few friends hanging out with me (thank you so much for the company, Catherine. :) )and bumping into a few new ones (drunk or not, most of you added me to Facebook, so you know who you are! *L*) All in all, a good time had by all. Best of all, it was over at around 1:30AM and I could actually sleep. Pity I was the "token Div" amongst them, but then, as my buddy Emma tells me, there aren't many cool Div's anyway, so guess I'm happy to provide them with at least one. ;)

So, aside from that fun distraction, I'm mostly working on things, the biggest written work at the moment being my largest paper: Revelation (and fittingly I'm listening to Audioslave's "Revelation" album), following which I'm probably gonna start studying. Even if more than half my exams are oral (no jokes!), still couldn't hurt to know what the hell I'm talking about.

In the meantime, I'm also waiting to get ANY info from Church HQ back home, not to mention prep-ing for an interview with a possible job for the summer. I'd be working as an assitant in running half a parish up in a national park an hour outside of TO. It's only open in the summertime, and my job is basically being a) chaplain to the park staff, b) church presence amongst the cabins and cottages and campers, and c) assistant to the Rev'd over in her parish. Sounds a bit like what an internship could be, right? Yeah, well, I checked that...

Two probs - one, she's not "qualified" because she's only been in her parish for around 2-3 yrs (the minimum for a supervisor is 10 yrs), and two, the position is paid... You can't get paid in an internship. *sigh* So, whattaya do? Me? I'm chosing to work it out later, and just take the damn job if they give it to me. Better grab my SPF 100 in bulk, as I hear it gets a wee bit hot in this here greater TO area.

Anyway, good luck with papers and exams, those of you who have 'em. As for the rest of you, get back to work!

More later.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Have a blessed Easter... with chocolate too!

(Mood - Tired of papers not being done)

(Listening to - World Wide Suicide by Pearl Jam)

Hello everybody! Stressed as I'm sure everyone is this time of year - what with exams, papers, Easter services, etc - I thought it would be a good idea to share just a little pause in this often harried time.

Simply put, I hope you all have a restful and blessed Easter.

One more thing though (and this one goes out mostly to my present and future sisters and brothers of the cloth) - if you start a "holiday" sermon with "Well, what more can be said than what is spoken in the scripture readings today...", do not then proceed into a 15 minute to half hour (or even an hour) long sermon to prove it! Sheesh.

More later!