Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bloody interweb...

(Mood - Disgusted... Mostly by work)

(Listening to - "Love, Reign O'er Me" by The Who, performed by Pearl Jam)

Okay, so let me just say that except for WoW (or something of the like in terms of online gaming) and myspace, I'm now involved pretty much in all popular online trends.

I recently got on Facebook... Dear Lord, what has happened... As my friend Aaron put it: "Now you shall do no schoolwork...for about a week, until you get bored of poking people." or as he also put it "I can see graduation. Nay, I can smell it. The last thing I need to be doing is frittering away time on Facebook. So, of course, that's precisely what I'm doing..."
*sigh* I should be reading...

In the meantime, there IS a benefit to this bloody Facebook nonsense - I have located multiple old friends I had sorta lost track of, not to mention I have a new (and easier!) way of posting pics aside from on here. Not that I really have much to share at the moment, and I gotta ask "the li'l missus" if I can post pics of us/her on there too, cause I'd like to share her with the world.
Well, tastefully and visually, anyway... None of this whole "revenge vid cam" stuff here!

ANYway, this is just a "tide you over" post until I can get some pics of the ski trip I took with the Youth Group at St. George's On-The-Hill (the church with whom I'm presently teaching Sunday School to the older of the littler kids) and with whom I'll be interning in the fall should all go well.

Huh - well there's two big give away bits of info. Alright, I'll elaborate:

First - last weekend, I was invited to ride shotgun as an "adult" for a fun ski trip at Blue Mountain ( 10 Youth, 2 "adults" (if you can call myself and James adults). I didn't get to ski much, since I had a paper on Martin Luther to finish, so I got to play "HQ" down in the chalet via walkie-talkie. Lemme tell ya, enjoying hot drinks and watching people ski is the only way to truly appreciate the sport. :)

And it was a laugh! Everyone seemed to have a great time, especially when we crashed with the local Anglican priest Rev'd Heather, whom they all knew from her time at St. George's. She and Jim (her hubby) were fantastic hosts, and funny as all out. Great parish too - All Saints - in the town of Collingwood. (To the Newfs, I'd describe it as a mix of Water street style shops meets Grand Falls/Windsor. ...or basically if you made a whole town out of the downtown, but without the harbour.) So really nice place! Great people n' all that.

Even the 2 hour ride in a jumbo-LARGE van with all of us was civil and unretarded. Everyone had something to occupy themselves with - like sleep - and we even swung into a Futureshop to pick up an iTrip for James' iPod so we could have "dee jammin' toones" on the way.

Oh, and he let me play his Nintendo DS... Damned little addictive machine. I need one... Sorry sweetheart, but between that and a Wii, these are things we'll need for the house. Just as much as ...I dunno... furniture. Yeah, they'll be included as furniture for "entertaining" guests. There we go!

So, all in all, I'm really glad I went, and glad I got to meet many of the "staples" of the youth group. Especially since it's been made quietly official that I'm heading back up this way in September till December (begrudgingly, but still) to work as their intern at St. George's. Nothing against the parish (quite the contrary in fact!) but it would have been nice to serve at home - though there would be no guarantee of ANY kind that I'd wind up in town, or anywhere remotely close to St. Philip's/St. John's, so really, if I gotta be elsewhere, I might as well be somewhere I am familiar with and with which I'd get a totally unique experience. I've lived the pseudo-rural parish life all my life, so there's nothing really new I'd find back in NL, whereas up here, it's a bit different - tons of people, a variety of outreaches in the community, a friggin' Anglican private school attached to the damn church!... need I go on? This will be a good thing, though yet another expense I can't really afford, and I'll be away from the folks, the friends, the familiar, and the fiancee - but I'll make it work. ...Come to think of it, most of my friends are away now anyway, so feh. (no offence Keith ;) )

Anywho, the more I know, the more I'll say. Meantime, I'll be working hard to get done with the course work, which means I'll be cutting this short now and get back to it. I'll letcha all know how 300 is tonight when I go see it at the IMAX. wOOt! ...and maybe I'll review Music and Lyrics too, since that's what we saw before leaving Collingwood. Ugh. Not horrible, but ain't no Wedding Singer either.

More later.


kevin said...

i've been fighting facebook for a while. my gf got one recently. and i'm obsessed with getting a ds lite.

damn you for getting to see 300 at the imax. grr. :)

Moses J said...

Mwhahahahaha! The flick was SO much better that way too.

My two word review? Goraly glorious.

kevin said...

have you seen the teaser picture from the Watchmen movie? it was hidden in the r rated 300 trailer.